BJJ BJJ Advice

Training With The “Enemy”: 5 Reasons to Train With Former (Or Potential Future) Jiu-Jitsu Opponents

Over the weekend, I had two opportunities to train with former Jiu-Jitsu opponents with whom I’ve remained in touch and am on friendly terms.  Both of these gentlemen went out of their way to come train with me in preparation for upcoming matches I have. There are of course inherent risks to training with unfamiliar […]

BJJ BJJ Advice Competition

5 Ways to be Smarter About Your Jiu-Jitsu Training

Very often, we see people of similar athletic ability, physical attributes and natural grappling instincts progress at different speeds on the mat.  This has less to do with the individual and more to do with their methods in training. There are some specific things you can do right now, right away to boost your mat […]

BJJ BJJ Advice

The Jiu-Jitsu Social Life: The Importance of Finding the Right Place to Train

Like many sports and activities, jiu jitsu has a whole culture, community and lifestyle attached to it.  Interestingly, the community aspect greatly depends on the individual and which academy or gym the individual chooses.  There are so many different kinds of potential environments that it can be bewildering. Perhaps the most common is the casual […]